The main aim of the application is to maintain Centralized farmer database and record all the transactions being performed at PACS Level.
Master Information of Farmers
Land Details (Crop, Land Particulars)
Loan Details (date of sanction, repayment etc;)
Clerk – Create loans
CEO – Verify loans
Branch Supervisor – Authorize loans
A village society Clerk will login with his credentials and enter customer details and he will create loans for that particular customer and save the data online and the file will be moved to CEO of that particular village.
CEO of that particular society will login and can able to see the data entered by Clerk, which needs to be verified . He will verify the file if the entered data is sufficient and clear he will forward for approval or else he will reject or ask for resubmission with proper data
Branch Supervisor will login with his credentials and can able to view the files which are verified by CEO and approve the loan for that particular customer